FuseBox: platform using flexibility to optimise electricity usage
Fusebox integrates consumers and energy systems in a flexibility trading platform optimising the output, thus reducing associated CO2 and getting reimbursed by the transmission system operator

FuseBox is a cloud-based automation platform that connects consumers' assets to a flexibility trading platform. It uses assets' flexibility to generate revenue by getting reimbursed by transmission system operator, and cuts costs by avoiding expensive peak hours. It also helps reducing carbon emissions.
Load management also called Demand Response (DR) or Demand Side Response (DSR) is a process of adjusting or controlling electricity consumption without any impact on daily work. These programmes typically focus on reducing electricity consumption during peak demand periods to prevent outages, grid infrastructure damage or to avoid bringing online CO2-intensive power generation. With an influx of renewable energy sources, utilities are exploring demand flexibility to increase consumption at times when solar or wind energy is abundant and lower it the rest of the time.
Grid operators anticipate when energy demand exceeds energy supply, thus they may pay customers directly or through billing credits for kW hours saved. They incentivise customers to defer energy use to off-peak hours. The platform-driven adjustments are automated and do not interfere with your daily operations.
Example: industrial enterprises can combine DR with an energy management system to activate switch-over to onsite solar panels or battery storage for electricity during a DR event or reduce heating or cooling of an office building during peak times (without changes to temperature). DR can help businesses reach sustainability goals and significantly reduce electricity invoices.
FuseBox sits between the electricity consumers and the grid, automating the adjustments. Here are examples of assets that can be connected to the platform and what results can be achieved:
1. Industrial complex: adjusting assets like pumps and compressors potentially cut electricity budget by up to 30%, carbon emissions by up to 70 tons, and shift away consumption by 50% from peak hours.
2. Refrigerated storages: adjusting refrigeration assets potentially reduce electricity budget by up to 20%, carbon emissions by up to 40 tons, and shift away consumption by 50% from peak hours.
3. Energy storage systems: AI-driven battery management solution accelerates investment payback to 2-5 years, cuts electricity budget by 30%, and shifts away consumption by 50% from peak hours.
4. Heatpumps: potentially cut electricity budget by up to 30%, carbon emissions by up to 70 tons, and shift away consumption by 100% from peak hours.
5. Commercial buildings: adjusting consumption potentially reduces electricity budget by up to 15%, carbon emissions by up to 14 tons, and shifts away consumption by 15% from peak hours.
6. EV charging stations: adjusting EV charging potentially reduces electricity budget by up to 10%, carbon emissions by up to 5 tons, and shifts away consumption by 100% from peak hours.
My Recommendation: It is worth investigating the business case behind maximising output from your assets to kill inefficiencies, thus reducing electricity budget and carbon emissions. My recommendation is to review FuseBox platform in combination with AdvanGrid energy monitoring software to further the performance and financial benefit.
Sources and an opportunity to find out more:
- FuseBox website: https://fusebox.energy
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fusebox-energy
- AdvanGrid platform for monitoring consumption: https://www.inesedose.com/items-4/advangrid%2C-an-iot-based-electricity-monitoring-software-